============================== What's new in PyTables 1.1.1 ============================== :Author: Francesc Altet :Contact: faltet@carabos.com :Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer :Contact: ivilata@carabos.com This document details the modifications to PyTables since version 1.0. Its main purpose is help you ensure that your programs will be runnable when you switch from PyTables 1.0 to PyTables 1.1.1. API additions ============= - None Backward-incompatible changes ============================= - ``Table.read()`` raises a ``KeyError`` instead of a ``ValueError`` when a nonexistent field name is specified, for consistency with other methods. The same goes for the ``col()`` method. - ``File.__contains__()`` returns a true value when it is asked for an existent node, be it visible or not. This is more consistent with ``Group.__contains__()``. API refinements =============== - Using ``table.cols['colname']`` is deprecated. The usage of ``table.cols._f_col('colname')`` (with the new ``Cols._f_col()`` method) is preferred. Bug fixes (affecting API) ========================= - None ---- **Enjoy data!** -- The PyTables Team .. Local Variables: .. mode: text .. coding: utf-8 .. fill-column: 72 .. End: