======================================= Release notes for PyTables 3.6 series ======================================= :Author: PyTables Developers :Contact: pytables-dev@googlegroups.com .. py:currentmodule:: tables Changes from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 =========================== Maintenance release to fix packaging issues. No new features or bugfixes. Changes from 3.5.3 to 3.6.0 =========================== PyTables 3.6 no longer supports Python 2.7, see :PR:`747`. Improvements ------------ - Full python 3.8 support. - On Windows PyTables wheels on PyPI are linked to `pytables_hdf5.dll` instead of `hdf5.dll` to prevent collisions with other packages/wheels that also vendor `hdf5.dll`. This should prevent problems that arise when a different version of a dll is imported that the version to which the program was linked to. This problem is known as "DLL Hell". With the renaming of the HDF5 DLL to `pytables_hdf5.dll` these problems should be solved. Bugfixes -------- - Bugfix for HDF5 files/types with padding. For details see :issue:`734`. - More fixes for python 3.8 compatibility: Replace deprecated time.clock with time.perf_counter. See :issue:`744` and :PR:`745`. Thanks to Sergio Pascual (sergiopasra). - Improvements in tests as well as clean up from dropping Python 2.7 support. Thanks to Seth Troisi (sethtroisi).